Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

44 Graduate From Nevada High School

Published Wednesday, May 23, 2001 in the Nevada County Picayune

Nevada High School's graduating class of 2001 was the first class to begin the school in kindergarten when the district was formed 13 years ago.

Thursday, May 17, saw 44 NHS seniors presented diplomas as they took the next step in their lives.

State Sen. Percy Malone, the keynote speaker, said this group is better educated than any class before and will be entering a world of wireless communication, and the challenges they face will be different than any others faced before.

"This marks the beginning of a bright and promising future," he said, "leading to opportunities."

Many, Malone said, will go to college seeking degrees, while some will join the military and still others test the job market, with others trying to work and go to school.

The important thing, he told the seniors, is not to get discouraged or lose site of their dreams. "Refuse to accept defeat, use good judgement in your personal and professional life and remember good opportunities are disguised as impossible situations."

He urged them to be persistent and determined as their paths will, at times, be filled with obstacles and opposition.

"Where your heart is," he said, "is where you'll find your treasure. You've completed an important first step ."

Tim Potts gave the honors address, reminding the class to be courteous, tolerant, ambitious, courageous and imaginative throughout their lives.

The parent appreciation speech was made by Paul Potter, who told the parents in the audience their children did listen, though it may not have seemed like it.

"We ask you to pray for us," he said, "and care for us when we make mistakes."

Jason Yarbrough gave the class farewell. He told the audience the students had dreamed of this night, and this is the true class of the millennium, while also being the last time this group would be together as a whole.

"The question," he asked, "is not are we ready for the world, but is the world ready for us."

The administration's address was given by Superintendent Rick McAfee, who said this group will meet challenges in different ways.

He pointed out this group has seen school violence, students shooting students and other problems in today's society.

"This is a fine group of young people," McAfee said. "They will face the challenges of life. They've witnessed violence and unrest. They are our leaders and will lead us well.

"I know you will make a difference as you move forward, and I hope we've made a difference in your lives."

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