Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Election Poll Workers Are Named

Published Wednesday, May 5, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Poll workers for the special election to be held Tuesday, May 18, have been appointed.

Early voting began Monday, May 3, according to Davis Benton, chairman of the Nevada County Democratic Election committee.

The poll workers in the three polling places are:

  • Nevada County Courthouse Bud Vandiver, sheriff; Lenora McWilliams, clerk; Marguerite Tomlin, clerk; Willie Muldrew, judge; Pearl Payne, judge; and Maxine Freeman and Lois Harris.
  • Emmet City Hall James Osborn, sheriff; Winifred Ward, clerk; JoAnn Arnett, clerk; Ruth Jones, judge; Ophelia Thompson, judge; and Bill Arnett, judge.
  • Nevada School Marcia Rhodes, sheriff; Patsy Wesson, clerk; Iris Dansby, clerk; Sonja Yarbrough, judge; Nancy Fore, judge; and Edna Kelly, judge.

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