Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Into The Void with John Miller

Published Wednesday, January 31, 2001 in the Nevada County Picayune

If the United States wishes to be the supreme superpower in the world, and in fact, the only true superpower, and President Dubbya has the cajones to try, it wouldn't be hard at all.

However, it is doubtful the House and Senate would have the stomach for it, as it requires rather extreme measures to be taken. The military would be involved, but only on home soil. Our soldiers wouldn't have to set foot in a foreign country for this idea.

Along with the House and Senate being queasy about it, all humanitarian and religious groups would be up in arms  but they tend to be pretty short sighted anyway.

This idea would not only make America No. 1 again, and unchallenged at that, it would also drastically reduce the world's population. This, friends and neighbors, means the restrictions on the environment could be eased as there would be fewer people on the planet polluting it.

What is this miracle cure, you ask?

Simply put, the American government should stop all sales of food and medicine to any other nation in the world. Period. No questions asked.

Granted, in the short term this move would hurt the nation's economy, but over the long haul, it won't matter.

The world's oil producing nations would ban together, as they already have in jacking up the price of oil, and stop selling petroleum to the U.S. However, we could do without their oil a lot longer than they could do without our food and medicine.

The whiners, I can already hear them, are saying innocent people will be hurt and die because of this. Guess what people, it's happening each and every day regardless of what we do.

Life happens, death happens. This is the bottom line.

The military would have to be placed along the Mexican and Canadian borders to prevent immigrants from coming in, along with being stationed there to repel the military forces of these neighboring nations, as they, too, depend on U.S. help.

Third world countries would be the first to be seriously affected, but the leaders in these nations tend to be autocrats of some sort and don't seem to mind starving their own people. And, as this is where the bulk of the population explosion is, it would also be where the greatest reduction would be.

There are a few nations in the world with nuclear capability, but none can match the U.S. for sheer volume (don't think all of the nuclear weapons were dismantled with the Russian agreement  on either side). While a nuclear strike would be harmful to America, the retaliation would wipe out the country dumb enough to push the button first. We could turn the Middle East into a large puddle of molten glass with no problem.

While cutting all aid, might as well go whole hog, would make the U.S. the bad guy in the rest of the world, it would also unquestionably make America the sole superpower.

American leaders, should they choose, could then look at the possibility of creating a world government based on democratic ideals, such as those we live by here.

Now, this would work. It would take some time, but it would work. However, don't think, for even a moment, any president will make such a suggestion to Congress. First off, Congress would balk (being primarily gutless), and secondly, it's a cruel way of solving a lot of problems at one time.

Actually, such a move would likely set off Armageddon, as the other nations of the world would try and destroy America. This would solve all the world's problems at one time, though.

Don't worry, our leaders won't cut such aid for any reason.

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