Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Health Alliance Members Discuss What Will Happen At Next Health Fair

Published Wednesday, May 5, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Member of the health alliance met Tuesday, April 13, at Maxine's Diner. A delicious meal was enjoyed by those who chose to partake.

Members present were Sandra Randle, Health Watch; Steve Maxwell, Baptist Medical Center, Arkadelphia; Jeff Haynes, Haynes Sports Therapy and Rehab; Candace Carrie, Cooperative Education Service; Robin Ridgell, Dr. Charles Vermont's office; Margie Johnson, Hillcrest Care and Rehab; Kay Hendrix, Holly's Health mart; Patricia Blake, Arkansas Department of Health; Walt Denton, Economic Development Office; Howard Taylor, Mayor of Prescott; Janet McAdams, Nevada County Department of Health; Prissy Traczewitz, Nevada County Day Service Center; Kay Dunn, Medshares Homecare; Mary Alice Blevins, Alliance Home Health; and Kay Haynie, Medshares Homecare.

Blevins opened introductions. Dunn was introduced as the new administrator of Medshares.

McAdams made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and Pat Blake seconded the motion.

Blake, Health Fair coordinator, asked members to tell what service they would provide at the fair. Cooperative Extension Service will provide financial health. Nevada County Health Unit will provide hemogoblin screenings and provide health education. Nevada Count Day Service Center will provide developmental screenings. Heartwatch will provide glucose screenings and assist the schools with a coloring contest. Alliance Home Health will provide blood pressure monitoring. Medshares Homcare and Medical Park Hospital will provide cholesterol screenings. Dr. Charles Vermon's office will provide a health education booth. Haynes Sports Center will provide body fat analysis. Holly's Health Mart will provide oxygen saturation monitoring. Baptist Medical Center will provide pulmonary function testing.

Margie Johnson will be responsible to check on food vendors for the day and she will coordinate a Beanie Babies show.

Pam Teague will coordinate the bingo games and coordinate prizes. Prissy Traczewitz and Sandra Randle will be media relations coordinators. Jeff Haynes will be in charge of arrest warrants. Walt Denton will be in charge of face painting and balloons. Kay Hendrix will obtain information on t-shirts. Janet McAdams will coordinate teenager events. Jeff Haynes will coordinate a 5k and children's fun run. Medical Park will provide some of the medallions for awards. Chad Cornelius will be in charge of entertainment. Steve Maxwell is responsible for coordinating the Arkadelphia area participants.

The next meeting of the group will be Tuesday, May 11, at 7 p.m at Maxine's Diner. A meal is available (Dutch treat) for anyone who wishes to indulge.

The fair date is set for Saturday, September 11.

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