Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Oliver's One Stop Big Buck Winners Named

Published Wednesday, January 10, 2001 in the Nevada County Picayune

Doug Steed was the winner of Oliver's One Stop's 11th annual modern gun Big Buck contest, held November 11 through December 17.

Steed took the lead opening morning with his big 11-point which had a 21<-inch inside spread. He held the lead the whole gun season. He won $1,456 in cash money.

There were 182 entrants in the contest. This contest is available to hunters in Nevada, Hempstead, Pike, Clark, Lafayette, Columbia and Ouachita counties.

In Oliver's first three-person team event there were 24 teams entered. The winning team was Charles' Angels that year. This team was named in memory of Charles Stuart, a friend and fellow hunter who died last year. The team's winings totaled $768 in cash money.

The lead that switched four times as the Charles' Angels team took the lead for good on the next to last weekend of the modern gun season. The team was lead by John Cornelius, who killed a big 12-point buck. Ben Jones harvested a nice 10-point buck and Jake Cornelius wrapped up the team victory with a nine-point buck.

This deer hunting team had a great gun season and their record score of 124.45 will be very hard to beat next year.

Oliver's Best Stop's Big Buck contest is held traditionally every fall and is one of the largest whitetail Big Buck contests in the state. It is a big happening for this area and is very much looked forward to and discussed year round.

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