Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Damage Minor From Last Week's Storms

Published Wednesday, May 5, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Damage was relatively minor in Nevada County in the wake of last week's storms.

High winds ripped across the county, ripping trees out of the ground, but few landed on structures and no injuries were reported because of the storms.

Davis Benton, an area weatherman, contacted the National Weather Service in Shreveport, La., and learned the wind speed was clocked around 100 miles per hour, but radar didn't show any circular motion to the storm cell.

Benton's wind gauge at Cale hit 60 miles per hour.

Apparently, he said, there were two cells, one hitting the Emmet area and the other near Rosston.

Jim Cross, Office of Emergency Services coordinator for Nevada County, said overall the damage wasn't bad, though one house in Emmet was heavily damaged and a couple of barns were nearly destroyed.

Other houses in the county were also damaged, but not seriously, he said.

There were a lot of trees down across roads, and the power was knocked out when trees fell across the lines. In some instances, homes in the southern part of the county were without electricity until Tuesday night, April 27.

The best news, he said, is there were no injuries. "We came out of it pretty good."

The damage estimate from the storm is less than $100,000 across the county.

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