Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Farm & Home News

Published Wednesday, November 8, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

With winter months approaching the diets of the cow herd will be mostly winter pasture or hay. Many producers throughout the county plant winter pasture to reduce hay feeding, while others might spend their money on other types of supplemental feeds.

On November 20 the Nevada County Extension office will host a meeting concerning feeding the cow herd through the winter based on a hay test and the type of cattle being fed. We will also discuss mineral supplementation.

To make the program more realistic for the county's producers we will be using some for their own hay test results and cattle type and production stage to base the program on.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service specialist Dr. George Davis. Dr. Davis will discuss feeding the cow herd while grazing a winter pasture. We will look at how much winter pasture might best be used in order to avoid supplements.

A hay test can serve as a valuable tool when considering this winter's feeding program.

Following Dr. Davis' presentation Dr. Stacey Gunter, Extension specialist from the Southwest Research and Extension Center near Hope will talk on mineral supplementation. Minerals are also very important in a cow herd and can affect the level of production of the cow herd and also the conception rate. There are also things to keep in mind when cattle are consuming primarily winter pasture and a mineral supplement.

The meeting will be held at the Nevada County Extension office. It will conclude at approximately 8:00 p.m.

If you would be interested in having Dr. Davis look at a hay sample from your farm there is still time to collect the sample and have it analyzed. However, it should be pulled by November 10 in order to allow time for mailing and analysis.

We hope to see you at this meeting.

For additional information concerning this program and other Cooperative Extension Service programs contact the Extension office at 887-2818.

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