Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Living Well with the Carrie Connection

Published Wednesday, November 1, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

We many times take for granted the privilege we have in being able to cast our vote. This year, within the next week, once more the opportunity arises.

There are many issues on the ballot to vote on and we as educated individuals need to take the time to read and understand what we are voting for or against.

The Cooperative Extension Service has put together very good information on the pros and cons of each amendment and initiated act. Come by the office to pick up copies, and then go to the polls to vote on November 7. Be Informed and be in control of your life!


The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service and the Arkansas Health Department have teamed up to get a program called Tell A Friend' out to the public.

This program is to help women remember to get a mammogram. Getting a regular mammogram is the key to early detection. The best way to detect breast cancer early is with a mammogram.

A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast that uses a very small amount of radiation. All women should know that a mammogram may detect breast cancer up to two years before it can be felt. It may cost little or nothing, because insurance covers mammogram in many states and Medicare covers the cost for women 65 years and older. In Arkansas if you qualify, the Arkansas Department of Health can help you get a mammogram.

In Nevada County we are in the process of training volunteers to call to remind people to get a mammogram. If you get this call remember that you are loved, because each volunteer is calling someone they care about! If you haven't been trained, or would like for a group to be trained, call the Cooperative Extension Service at 887-2818.

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