Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Oak Grove News

Published Wednesday, August 30, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

We have been having some extremely hot weather in August. I hope September won't be as hot.

Mrs. Odessa Zachery's daughter died in Omaha, Neb. All her family went to her funeral last week in Nebraska. Sympathy goes out to the Zackery family. Mrs. Zackary has had a lot of deaths in her family lately. Let's pray for her and her family. They are very devoted to one another.

Homecoming will be held at Mt. Vernon AME Church the first Sunday in September.

Harrison Chapel Baptist had their Homecoming Sunday. Revival meeting will start Monday night.

Let's pray for Bro. DeWillie Gulley, who is in the rehab in Camden. He has been active in church and lodge. We are praying that he will get better. His children really do see after him. God bless them.

It doesn't seem like I am an old woman. I got a beautiful card from Mrs. Kelly at Rosston. I had to cry. It said keep your chin up.

I have some good neighbors around me, including Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson. Thank God for them.

Rev. Jerry Bishop is seeking re-election on the school board. Oak Grove District is a small district.

My God son, Dr. Seth Anyoms, from Africa is the president of the African Christian Mission. His son and daughter never miss seeing him when he is in the states. They come and visit me. He is a wonderful person. He calls me his mother since he doesn't have one. I thank God for him and his family. He travels to a lot of different places. He preached in Waldo Sunday at Rev. Bishop's church. He also preaches in white people's churches. They give him some resources to help out in Africa. We need more people like him. He went to Dr. Robert's University in Oklahoma. He is a real Christian person. I thank God for him.

The Civic League at Oak Grove meets the first Tuesday in September. Let's meet and discuss the things we need to know. Get first hand information.

There will be a singing program at Bethel AME Church the fourth Saturday night. The pastor is asking each member of Bethel to pay $50 on the budget. If you are a member of Bethel please pay something.

Conference is just around the corner.

My neighbor, Richard Bradley, had an operation last week.

Sympathy goes out to the Yarbrough family. Doris finished school at Oak Grove. She lived in Ohama, Nebr.

I still had something left from my rummage sale. Stop by.

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