Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

What's Happenin'

Published Wednesday, August 9, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Picayune has agreed to print an article from the Prescott Nevada County Economic Development Office on a regular basis to help spread the news of some of the positive things that are happening in our city and county.

Economic development is a process that is built around intensive planning. To be recognized by the state of Arkansas as an Arkansas Community of Excellence, Prescott was required to have a 1-year, 3-year and 5-year strategic plan for the community. This plan was developed with input from a large number of local citizens. The Arkansas Department of Economic Development requires that a number of public meetings be held to gain ideas for the plan.

Prescott's plan, which is a model of the county-wide plan, consists of five major goals: 1) Develop a diversified economy in Prescott and Nevada County, 2) Preserve and improve our school systems, 3) Promote workforce development and education, 4) Construct adequate and affordable housing, 5) Develop an active area partnership for Southwest Arkansas, 6) revitalize downtown Prescott.

If you have observed the activities of both the Economic Development Office and the Chamber of Commerce you recognize that the programs and aims of both offices are very consistent with the goals. The plan has produced a large number of growth activities in the area. Since January the Economic Development Office has tracked nine new retail businesses in our community. These business represent both local and out of town individuals who feel that Prescott and Nevada County are worth an investment. Since January the Economic Development Office, Chamber, city and county have received $411,319.25 in grant funds to improve the quality of life in our area. In addition another approximately $100,000 worth of grants are pending approval. Since January construction projects on the Department of Health, Senior Citizens Center, Rip Griffin, Fish Nest and a few other projects have progressed rapidly. Since January a strategic plan for developing the downtown area has been composed by architectural students from the U of A and the beautification committee has worked to have the mural reach near completion. The Chamber has worked in all three county school districts with both the Arkansas Scholars program and the Honor Card program. The Economic Development Office has pursued a grant with HUD to help refurbish housing that is in substandard conditions in the county.

Just look around and I think you'll see that Prescott and Nevada County are continuing to grow and take positive steps forward.

Chadwell is director of the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development office.

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart