Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive |
'99 PHS HistoryPublished Wednesday, May 26, 1999 in the Nevada County PicayuneLet's think back for a moment. It is August 1986, and 85 kids are getting ready for their very first day of kindergarten. They will no longer be able to sleep late, watch TV all day, or play outside whenever they want to. This is the time that a lifetime of friendships and memories will start for everyone in the class of 1999! Today, out of the kindergarten class of 1986 that began with 85 students, only 31 of the original class members remain. They are Gabriel Adams, Clint Anderson, Kerri Bryant, Abby Collins, Cindy Greenwood, Lesley Grimes, Derrick Hardamon, Phillip Harris, Josh Helmick, Jessica Hendrix, Donnie Hill, Holly Hill, Keith Hubbard, David Huntley, Nicole Jackson, Justin Jernigan, Shanna Loe, Nate Lucena, James McGough, Marc McGough, Jarrod Miller, Lencola Nixon, Kara Porter, Kamori Scott, Sherri Smith, Chris Stephenson, Stacy Stockton, Byron Toliver, Tiffany Trevillion, Brandon Wilson, and Doug Young. In first grade, David Gummeson, Shannon Morrow, and Jerry Walters joined us. Our second grade year brought us Lindsey Powell. We had no additions our third grade year. Joining our class in fourth grade were Adam Burke, Matt Phillips, Evan Webb, and Jarrod Yates. During fifth grade, Dee Jarvis and Josh Ratcliff joined us. In sixth grade, Scott Hobbs became a member of our class. Seventh grade brought us Angelo Haynes. Levar Faulkner and Hallie Kisselburg joined us in the eighth grade. Joining us our freshman year were Timmy Block, Tiffany Carter, and Kristina Wilson. During our junior year T.J. Glass joined our class. Leary Ford and Andre Lawson joined us this year. Our kindergarten teachers were Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Hooper, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. McCarter, and Mrs. Moore. Our class play this year was "Going Buggy." Snack time was a part of the day we all enjoyed. Does everyone remember the Halloween party in Mrs. Hooper's room? After graduating from kindergarten, Mrs. Blevins, Mrs. House, Mrs. Murry, and Mrs. Hamilton were our first grade teachers. No longer having to take naps, we were forced to do hard school work all day long. Stacy, do you and Tiffany remember those awful perms ya'll had? Jessica, do you remember when you got in trouble and your teacher locked you in her storage room? Second grade was when we were first introduced to competition. "Big T" races sparked rivalry between the classes. Our teachers were Mrs. Cottingham, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Guthrie, and Mrs. Ward. Does everyone remember having to stand on the wall during recess when we got in trouble? Our third grade teachers were Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Haynie, Mrs. Hart, and Mrs. Reeves. Who remembers this well known phrase, "Girls on the monkey bars, boys on the swings?" In fourth grade we spent a day walking to the park and eating lunch there. We also took a field trip to Logoly State Park. This was also the first year we switched classes; our teachers this year were Mrs. Brannon, Mrs. Golden, Mrs. Gordon, and Mrs. Ridling. Does everyone remember our trip to middle school? We were absolutely terrified of Mr. Mitchell. A third of our education had passed, but our fears of Prescott Middle School only increased. We made it to middle school, but once again, we were the little ones, and we were scared to death of Mr. Mitchell. Rumors of his electric paddle and his secret hiding places were flying. Fifth grade was the year we became exposed to the world of student government, favoritism, and extended recesses. Nate, do you remember trying to do a cartwheel and falling and breaking your arm? Kara, do you remember Mrs. Pounds' cure for the hiccups? Our class favorites were Jarrod Yates and Lesley Grimes. We were represented on student council by Gabriel Adams, Jarrod Miller, Kamori Scott, Stacy Stockton, and Jarrod Yates. Josh Helmick was our DAR winner. Our Valentine royalty were Stacy Stockton and Jarrod Yates. Phillip, do you remember when Stacy, Holly, and Tiffany used to push you down and make you kiss the grass? In sixth grade, we were no longer the freshmen of the school. Our teachers were Mrs. Ary, Coach Crow, Mrs. Culpepper, Mrs. Horton, and Mrs. Westmoreland. Our class favorites were Lesley Grimes and Jarrod Yates. Our DAR winner was James McGough; our Valentine Royalty were Jarrod Miller and Lesley Grimes. David, do you remember your bad experience making a bomb? Lesley, do you remember how you got your nickname Weedeater? Looking into the future, we were making the big leap to the building next door. Our teachers were Mrs. Yowell, Ms. Bailey, Mrs. Honea, Mrs. Milam, and Mrs. Farris. Our student council representatives were Phillip Harris, Jarrod Miller, and Stacy Stockton. Jarrod Yates and Stacy Stockton were our class favorites. Kara Porter was our DAR winner. Nate Lucena and Shannon Morrow were members of regional band this year. This was also our first year to have Cub cheerleaders. They were Mindy Rocole and Tiffany Trevillion. There we were, big eighth graders. We were the seniors of Prescott Middle School. Our teachers this year were Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Duke. A new challenge for us this year was the election of student council officers. They were Marc McGough, president; Beth Culpepper, vice president; Lindsey Powell, secretary; Kara Porter, treasurer; and Tiffany Trevillion, reporter. Our student council representatives were Lesley Grimes, Jessica Hendrix, Jarrod Miller, and Stacy Stockton. Our DAR winner was Phillip Harris. Nate Lucena, Shannon Morrow and Kara Porter were regional band members. Cheerleaders were Mindy Rocole, Tiffany Trevillion, Vanessa Brzeski, and Kamori Scott. Our class favorites this year were Jarrod Yates and Lindsey Powell. This year, we also got to vote on Who's Who. They were: Best all around, Jarrod Miller, Beth Culpepper, and Melissa Beavert; Friendliest, Vanessa Brzeski and Michael Williams; Most Courteous were Marc McGough and Kara Porter. Cutest were Jarrod Yates and Lindsey Powell. Best dressed were Lesley Grimes and Phillip Harris. Most athletic were Stacy Stockton and Brandon Wilson. Our mascots this year were Melissa Beavert and Beth Culpepper. The Hot-Line Staff consisted of Melissa Beavert,editor; Lindsey Powell, co-editor; and Beth Culpepper, business manager. On our field trip this year, we went to the bath houses and the quartz crystal mines in Hot Springs. Does everyone remember this: "Levar SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" Dee, do you remember falling and busting your lip while you were walking up the bleachers? Keith, do you remember when you stuck a paperclip in a light socket in Mrs. Culpepper's room? Does everyone remember when Stacy got caught cheating on a test in Mrs. Harrison's room? Having survived four years with Mr. Mitchell and his well used paddle, we were ready to begin our high school careers. This was a scary change for Search | Nevada County Picayune by date | Gurdon Times by date |
Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media. Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart |