Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nevada Board Adopts Salary Schedule

Published Wednesday, May 26, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Nevada's School Board adopted a new salary schedule for the 1999-2000 school year.

The schedule, Superintendent Rick McAffee said, will be in accordance with the new law passed by the General Assembly at the latest legislative session.

However, the district didn't have to adopt the schedule for next year, as the legislature wrote the law to go into effect for the 2000-2001 school year.

The board also approved the use of the facilities to be used as mass shelters for emergencies during its regular monthly meeting Thursday, May 20.

This agreement is a long-standing one the district has had with the Red Cross.

Should there be a need, the school buildings can be utilized as shelters for those in need. McAffee told the panel the district annually enters into this agreement and the Red Cross will coordinate the effort, if it is ever needed.

The Red Cross, he said, will map out what it will need, how it will be used and provide all items necessary to help with the emergency situation.

In other business, Nevada Elementary Principal Natalie Sherwood said everything is going well as the year winds down.

Feedback from businesses on the job shadowing day project, she said, has been all positive. The companies involved enjoyed having the students there to learn about what they do.

Summer school, she said, will be held toward the end of summer so the students involved will have a better retention of what they learned when school begins for the fall session.

Jim Cross, supervisor of maintenance and transportation, said his crews are gearing up for the summer, but it's a hectic time for the maintenance people.

The only other items of business was to accept the resignations of Candace Bland, secondary English teacher, and elementary counselor Carol Duke.

All classified personnel were hired back for next year as well.

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