Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Emmet School Holds Awards Assembly

Published Wednesday, June 14, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

The elementary awards assembly for the Emmet School District was held Wednesday, May 31, beginning at noon. The assembly was led by Floyd Pollock, principal.

Those receiving perfect attendance awards were: first grade Jordan Gatlin and Zachary Syata; second grade  Haylee Bright; third grade  Brook Ivey and Lindsey Marcum; fourth grade  Steven Dean, K.T. Hamilton, Tyler Syata and Randi Hoover; fifth grade  Morgan Chance and Amber Wiley; and sixth grade  Mary Ann Clayborn, Whitney Noble and Lauren Otwell.

Those receiving honor roll awards for both semesters were first grade  Stephen Arnett, Haleigh Barnes, Matthew Beck, Mitzy Burson, Elizabeth Faulkner, Whitney Lambert, Elizabeth Martindale, Joshua Mashlan, Samantha Otwell, Brandon Staggs, Zachary Syata, Slade Walser, Brittany White, Anthony Wicker and Taylor Wood; second grade  Erin Adams, Glen Adams, Lyndsay Barnes, Richard Beck, Jody Cox, Caitlin Freeman, Cortney Grant, Justin Hickey, Kristiana Jasper, Rodneshia McClellan, Trent Messer, Alexia Muldrow, Shane Parmer, Morgan Quillin, Savannah Spell and Tyler Welch; third grade  Zachary Agnew, Niki Booker, Riley Cottingham, Tevarez Dixon, Crystal Esata, Jonathan Freeman, Ashley Lambert, Catherine Langston, Brianna Otwell, Brent Richardson, Edith Small, Shaun Smith and Brandon Smither; fourth grade  Jessica Allen, Kamryan Bennett, Cassie Daniel, Randi Hoover, Corey Martin, Chelessa Mashlan, Melissa Miller, Wayne Oliver, Tyler Syata and Danielle Willis; fifth grade  Adrienne Beard, Myrriah Chance, Troy Elliott, Kayla Freeman, Junior Hart, Tobe Korenek, Chris Marcum, Dakota McVey, Laci Owens, Whitney Spell and Haven Walser; and sixth grade  Tori Allen, Mary Ann Clayborn, Chad Cox, Danielle Freeman, Michael Grand, Dalton Hasler, Sheyann Helmick, Alissa Hickey, Scott LaRue, Lauren Otwell, Jennifer Simmons and Shea Welch.

Kindergarten subject awards were: reading and math  Morgan Hight, Cycle Honeycutt, and Brittany Ammons; art  Emily Winer; citizenship  Emily Winer, Crystal Tom, Jasmine Allen, Brittany Ammons, Cycle Honeycutt, Morgan Hight, Sydney Langston, Bradley Chance and Cheyenne Tinker; most improved  Ladd Owens and Lavarious Martin; and good helper  Takeyiah Latin, Colten Davidson and James Ivey.

First grade subject awards were most improved  Lavone McKinney, Destiny Whitney and Faith Griffin; reading  Betsy Faulkner, Hayleigh Barnes and Zack Syata; spelling  Samantha Otwell and Liz Martindale; math  Taylor Wood and Matthew Beck; citizenship Saroyra Jasper, Lavonte McKinney,  Betsy Faulkner, Taylor Wood, Haleigh Barnes and Zac Syata.

Other first grade awards were most improved  Drake Hall; artist  Mitzy Burson; hardest worker  Whitney Lambert; reading Brandon Staggs; most polite  Anthony Wicker; creative writing  Brittany White; best handwriting  Stephen Arnett; most pleasant  Alex Marcum; math  Slade Walser; most eager student  Casey George; raise test scores 28 points  Tyler Davis; and newest students  Christine Mashlan.

Second grade class awards were best overall students  Savannah Spell and Kristiana Jasper; math award  Erin Adams; reading  Tyler Welch; spelling award  Rodenshia McClellan; language  Richard Beck; creative writing  Brittany Griffin; hardest worker  Lyndsay Barnes; most improved  Cortney Grant; citizenship  Shane Parmer and Luther Otwell; and classroom personality  Kylisia Welch.

Other second grade class awards were best overall  Morgan Quillin and Glen Adams; math  Trent Messer; most improved  Zach Powell; citizenship  Morgan Quillin; reading  Justin Hickey and art award  Cody Cox.

Third grade class awards were reading award  Shaun Smith and Brianna Otwell; spelling  Ashley Lambert and Brandon Smither; math  Catherine Langston and Riley Cottingham; language  Tevarez Dixon; science  Zack Agnew; citizenship  Felicia Taylor and Crystal Esada; art  Blake Beard; and writing  Blade Graves.

Fourth grade awards were social studies  Melissa Miller; writing  Tyler Syata; reading  Cassie Daniel; math  Cassie Daniel; spelling  Clint Cox; science  Jessica Allen; language  Kamryan Bennett; and good citizens  Danielle Willis.

Fifth grade awards were good citizen  Laci Owens and Morgan Chance.Sixth grade awards were Presidential award/Outstanding Academic Achievement  Lauren Otwell; presidential outstanding educational improvement award  Michael Barham; math, spelling, reading, language, health, social studies and science awards  Lauren Otwell; Arkansas history  Dalton Hasler; social studies and science  Danielle Freeman; citizenship  Jennifer Simson and Cassie Hardman; and special President's award  Danielle Freeman.

Other sixth grade awards were President's outstanding academic achievement award  Alyssa Hickey; President's outstanding educational improvement  Tori Allen; citizenship  Whitney Noble and Shea Welch; social studies  Shea Welch; health  Alyssa Hickey; language  Alyssa Hickey; science  Shea Welch; spelling  Tori Allen; math  Shea Welch; and reading  Alyssa Hickey.

The high school assembly was held Wednesday, May 31, at 1 p.m. in the Ross Gym. The opening prayer was given by Jeana Gutierrez. Dr. Gene Ross presented eighth grade diplomas to Shane Antley, Brittany Daniel, Jerry Forman, John Forman, Michelle Grand, Jeana Gutierrez, Lamario Hopson, Cody Langston, Patricia Love, Nicole McCoy, Holly McKinnon, Jeremy Monk, Haley Muldrow, James Patterson, Joshua Putman, Jacky Simmons, James Small, Natasha Smith, Brandy Stanhouse and Dustin Turner.

Frank Henson, high school principal, presented the honor roll for both semesters to:

Seventh grade  Kelly Byrd, Matthew Hall, Zachary Hoover and Bryant McClellan; eighth grade  Brittany Daniel, Jeana Gutierrez, Staci McCoy, Haley Muldrow and Natasha Smith; ninth grade  Kristol Barham, Lindsey Byrd, Sheree Garrison and Ashley Hodges; 10th grade  Kenneth Grand, Devan McClellan, Kayla Schmitt and Kimm Westbrook; 11th grade  Alexis Banks, Katie Davidson and Rose Martin; 12th grade  Chad Adamson, Jason Arrington, Rebecca Pate and Brandi White.

Frank Faulkner, Mike Smith, Mike Morrow, Beckie Loe, Georgia Estes, Traci Jones, Steve Kelley, Kathleen Mitchell, Traci Ellis, Ann Booker and Charles Jones presented special awards as follows:

Driver education awardsChristie Adams, Danny Casto, Ben Davis, Jacob Dearinger, Amber Dougan, Tonya Freeman, Eugene Hopson, Grant Kirkpatrick, Courtney Lively, Chris Parmer, Mark Reed, Kayla Schmitt, Keri Schmitt, April Smither, Kimm Westbrook and Bonnie White.

Perfect attendance awardsZach Hoover, James Small, Mark Reed, Felicia Hopson, Ashley Hodges, Keri Schmitt, Jacky Simmons, Eugene Hopson and Amanda Hodges.

Spanish II awardsRose Martin; American history  Katie Davidson; library aide  Devan McClellan; reading 8Jerry Forman; geography  Zach Hoover; career orientation  Nicole McCoy; geometry inv.  Alex Banks; keyboarding I  Natoiya Reed; CT introductionSheree Garrison; word processing II  Keri Schmitt; keyboarding, seventh  Tiffany Kirkpatrick; workplace readiness  Jacob Dearinger; algebra I, eighth  Brittany Daniels; advanced math  Katie Davidson; physics  Katie Davidson; CT database  Amanda Hodges; child development  Kendall Stanhouse; child development  Josh Clayborn; family and work connection  Shane Antley and Brittany Daniels; Spanish I  Kimm Westbrook; world history  Alexis Banks; reading eight  Brittany Daniels, James Small; history eight  Brittany Daniels; algebra A-T  J. LaRue; algebra B  Kayla Schmitt; business communication  Ben Davis; general business  Felicia Hopson; English I  Ashley Hodges; English II  Kimm Westbrook; algebra I  Sheree Garrison; geometry  Rose Martin; physical science  Kristol Barham; practical arts  Corey Hardman; science eight  Brittany Daniels; civics  Ashley Hodges; English seven  Zach Hoover; reading seven  Zach Hoover; English eight  Natasha Smith; Biology  Mark Reed; math eight  James Small; English III  Alexis Banks; accounting I  Mark Reed; Word Pro I  Tonya Freeman; algebra II  Mark Reed; Science seven  Zach Hoover; math seven  Kelly Byrd; citizenship awards  Nicole McCoy and Nathan Henson; Presidential education award  Brittany Daniels; Presidential education improvement award  James Small.

The benediction was given by Patricia Love.

Seniors receiving awards were English  Derek Britton; journalism  Jason Arrington; CT, business applications  Chad Adamson; CT, spreadsheet  Jason Arrington; GCE  Chad Adamson; drama  Derek Britton; PT II  Tiffany Elliott; chemistry  Jason Arrington; contemporary American history  Jason Arrington and street law  Lilia Garcia.

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