Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Emmet Home Ec Repairs Go Through Roof

Published Wednesday, June 14, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

Getting the home economics building ready for class is costing more than expected for the Emmet School District.

Dr. Gene Ross, Emmet Superintendent, told the Emmet School Board, at its regular meeting Monday, June 5, there have been a lot of unexpected costs in renovating the building.

A new roof had to be put on the building, he said, then severe termite damage was found and had to be repaired. In addition, the structure will have to be replumbed before it can be used for class.

So far, he said, the district has spent $18,000 on renovations and will likely spend $18,000 more before the home economics building can be used.

The state, he told the board, is reimbursing the district for the equipment purchased for the class.

Part of the meeting was used to balance accounts, including the teacher's salary budget. A total of $210,000 was transferred from the operating fund to the salary fund to zero it out.

Ross said money will be transferred from the operating fund to cover those budgets in the red.

The district, he said, has $635,000 in its operating fund at this time, and should have $550,000 or $600,000 by the end of the fiscal year, June 30.

Emmet ended the year with a total of 298 students. Of these, 185 were in primary school with 113 making up the high school class.

Floyd Pollock, Emmet Primary School principal, said the spring SAT 9 results were in and the students brought their scores up.

A total of 11 percent ranked in the 90th percentile, with 28 percent making the 80th percentile. In all, 103 students raised their scores by more than five points.

Prior to the tests being given, students were told of rewards they could earn by improving their scores.

Pollock also told the board 21 students were attending summer programs, including the ABC pre-school program, the K-3 program and a 4-6 tutorial program.

Summer programs, he said, run from 8-11 a.m., but will be longer on days when students go on field trips.

All Frank Henson, Emmet High School principal, had to say was the year ended smoothly, with an anticipated enrollment of 120 students to start the 2000-01 school year.

Ross said summer ACT classes will be going on through early July, and those who complete these classes can take the ACT test at no cost.

The board accepted the resignation of member Michael Hight, who resigned to accept a position with his church in Pine Bluff.

Clint Walton, Ross said, is interested in fulfilling Hight's term. Walton chaired the district's uniform committee, has two children in the Emmet schools and resides in the proper district for the post. His appointment will be considered at the July meeting of the board.

Ross said the district paid the non-certified staff a bonus totaling $3,000, while salary adjustments for certified personnel amounted to $19,000.

Three teachers in the district missed no days during the year and were awarded a bonus of $440.

The floor in the Ross Gymnasium will be refinished during the summer. This work will be done by Charles Strickland of Mena at a cost of $895.

The board approved purchasing catastrophic insurance to cover all students from the Dwight Jones Agency of Nashville for $195.66. This policy, Ross said, has a $5 million limit with a deductible of $25,000.

Only one member of the panel will be up for reelection in September. Jon Saladin's term ends at this time and he must run for the office again, if he wishes to remain on the board.

The School Elections are set for September 19. Petitions for those running for school boards in Nevada County must be turned in by August 5.

The board approved plans for the district's Title I program, for reading and recovery. This program, Ross said, has proven to be successful, with the idea to have reading camps.

With computers in all classrooms, students can now do their assigned reading and be tested on what they read in their own classroom.

The Title VI program was also approved. The funds for it, Ross said, will be used to help pay for teacher workshops and substitutes as needed.

The board also approved maintaining contracts for speech, physical and occupational therapists for those students in special education.

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