Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Library Has Busy Time During Spring Break

Published Wednesday, April 12, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

Twenty-three children and parents showed up to enjoy the fun at the Nevada County Library during spring break.

The Easter angel program, sponsored by SWADC Learnig Center and Librarian Joyce Gibson, was a great success.

The youth created many fun crafts, from bird feeders to imaginative masks.

May Helen Hamilton entertained the children with Dr. Suess stories.

Paramedics Lisa McClure and Lynn Vanderveer gave the children a tour of the ambulance and explained how things were done.

The kids held Prescott Police Officer Morris Irvin prisoner for a long time, telling him how things should be done by the police.

The children learned that the library is a fun place to be and many interesting things can be learned at your local library.

People and businesses who made the week all possible include Friends of the Library, Taylor's Big Star, Pizza Hut, Shane at Frito-Lay, Camden Coca-Cola Bottling Co., D.A.R.R., Prescott Flowers and Gifts, and Dollar General Store.

Those who donated books were Candice Carrie, Prissy Traczewitz, Ann Foster, Hyacinth Deon, Evelyn Daniel, Janet Hood, Mary Ella Martin, Barbara Lowdermilk, Joyce Gibson, Twyla Arnett of the Department of Human Services, Kriss Abercrombie and Tannenesha James.

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