Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nevada FBLA Winners Are Announced

With Photos In Print Edition Of The Picayune
Published Wednesday, March 15, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

Nevada Future Business Leaders of American had 60 of their 87 members to attend the District IV Spring Conference at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia on Wednesday, March 1. The advisers attending were Amanda Cooley and Laura Bridges. The Nevada chapter and its members won several awards. Many of these students are eligible to compete at the state FBLA conference to be held April 14 and 15 in Little Rock.

FBLA - FIRST PLACE: Beth Neel, for public speaking and she won top honors for Who's Who in FBLA; Stacy Bingham for marketing; James Turner, introduction to parliamentary procedure; and Ashley Gentry and Hanna Ward, desktop publishing.

FBLA - SECOND PLACE: Brittany Bailey, future business leader; Jennifer Harding, introduction to business; Jackie House, job interview; Timmy Potts, machine transcription; Jeff Graham, technology concepts; and Jessica Almand, word processing I.

FBLA - THIRD PLACE: Dionne Williams, business procedures; Donnie Sanders, Jason Yarbrough and Paul Patton, entrepreneurship; Rebecca White, FBLA principles and procedures; and Tonya Reeves, word processing II.

FBLA - FOURTH PLACE: Carie Adams, introduction to business communications, and Samuel Quarles, impromptu speaking. FIFTH PLACE: Melanie Williams, business calculations, and Kayla Rhodes, computer applications.

FBLA - SIXTH PLACE: Terry Sanders, computer concepts. SEVENTH PLACE: Lacy Pipkin, business communications. EIGHTH PLACE: Melissa Niemeyer, accounting I, and Brenisha Young, international business. TENTH PLACE: Cody Hopson , business math.

Bridget Smith and Chrishandra Christophia competed in the District Five Star event at Henderson State University recently. They went to represent Nevada EccLA Chapter. During state, Chrishanda received a golden senior job interview. Bridget represented in senior illustrates talk. Mary Hendrix is the FBLA advisor.

Three Nevada eighth grade students, Todd Campbell, Derrick Pennington and Lindsey Penington participated in a job shadowing program. These young people spent a day shadowing a workplace. Job shadowing enables kids to shadow a workplace mentor as he or she goes through a normal day on the job, providing an up-close look at how the skills learned in school are put in to action in the workplace. Jet Asphalt of El Dorado with Tim Campbell, mentor, and Brookshire's with Shine Pennington, mentor, participated in the shadowing of a workplace.

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