Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Ross Challenging Dickey For Congress

Published Wednesday, June 9, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

State Sen. Mike Ross has tossed down the gauntlet and announced his intentions to run for the office of Fourth Congressional District Representative.

A formal announcement concerning this will be made at a later date.

Ross said incumbent Jay Dickey, currently serving his fourth term in office, is out of touch with the people of Arkansas.

"Jay Dickey has lost touch with the people," Ross said. "He puts his plaid shirt on when he comes home and says he's one of us, but then, he puts on his suit, heads off to Washington, D.C. and votes the way the Republican national party leaders tell him to vote.

"I believe the partisan bickering in Washington must stop," Ross continued. "The folks of this district deserve a congressman who will put people first, not one who works to curry favor with national party leaders."

Ross said he is excited about traveling the 26 counties in the 4th District, listening to the people and sharing his ideas on how to improve the quality of life for everyone.

"My experience as a small business owner and state senator has prepared me well to serve this district," he said.

Ross and his wife, Holly, are the owners of Holly's Health Mart in Prescott.

"My nine-year record of service as state senator demonstrates I will work to help people with real problems," he said. "I am best known in my senate district for being accessible and providing first-rate constituency service.

"The job of congressman is not glamorous. The majority of the job is dealing with constituents' day-to-day problems, like getting their veterans' and social security benefits. I have a proven record of helping people cut through government red tape to get these kinds of problems solved."

In the senate, Ross has been an advocate for families and children. During the summer and fall of 1998, Ross, as chairman of the Senate Children and Youth Committee, conducted hearings into allegations of abuse and neglect within the Division of Youth Services (DYS) of the Arkansas Department of Human Services.

The hearings concludes with unanimous approval of a committee report of "Findings and Recommendations". The report resulted in legislation sponsored by Ross to reform the DYS during the 82nd General Assembly.

As a result, the National Association of Social Workers, Arkansas Chapter, honored Ross with its 1999 Public Citizen of the Year Award. He was also honored for his work on behalf of children and youth from the Arkansas KidsCount Coalition.

"Serving in the state senate is a part-time job," Ross said. "I have not been a full-time politician. I relate to the hard-working people of the 4th District because I, too, get up in the morning and go to work to make ends meet for my family.

"I face many of the same problems the people I represent do. As a father of two young children, I am committed to making our schools safe again and providing an education second-to- none for all children.

"I am committed to working with city, county and economic development leaders to improve the infrastructure and bring good-paying jobs to these 26 counties. I am committed to saving Social Security and Medicare so seniors like my grandmother may live out their golden years with dignity," he concluded.

In 1991, Ross, at age 29, was elected as the youngest member of the Arkansas Senate. He was reelected in 1992 and again in '96.

He represents Senate District 3, including all of Nevada County, and parts of Clark, Columbia and Ouachita counties in the state.

He is chairman of the Children and Youth Committee, vice-chair of the City, County and Local Affairs Committee, and is a member of the Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee, Legislative Joint Audit Committee, Senate Rules Committee and the Legislative Performance Review Committee.

His current term will end Jan. 1, 2001. The Democratic primary election will be held in May, 2000, with the general election scheduled for Nov. 2000.

As of this time, incumbent Dickey has not announced his intentions for the 2000 election.

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