Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, December 15, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

Attendance in church was off Sunday due to so much sickness.

Maxine Luck fell at her home on Tuesday of last week and broke a hip. She was taken to Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock, where she had surgery that night. Roscoe and I visited with her on Saturday. We had breakfast at Bowen's in Arkadelphia. After Christmas shopping we ate supper at Furr's.

Ruth Vinson went to the doctor in Texarkana on Friday, but she did not learn when she would have surgery. She had an infection and is due to go back next Friday.

Laura Ward took P.J. to the doctor on Thursday. He has a throat problem, so she and the boys were out of church Sunday.

Tara Caldwell had to go to the doctor this week with something like the flu.

Johnny and Brenda Jensen were absent in church Sunday due to Austin being sick.

Please remember to pray for all these sick people as there seems to be a viral infection going around.

Guests in church Sunday were Mary (Wilson) Russell and her two children, Robert and Frances of Ft. Worth, Texas. They were the guests of Dorothy Dixon.

David Snead, his wife and baby were also in church. We were happy to have visitors and invite them back.

The youth went to Texarkana Saturday afternoon for an outing in the mall and a meal at Chili's. They reported a good time even though some didn't get to go due to sickness.

Congratulations to Cassie Cottingham of Prescott, who is Max Morman's granddaughter. She was first runner-up in the Miss PHS pageant. Lyn Dean attended.

Roscoe and I visited grandson, Marty, his wife, Raegan, and baby, Wren Williams, on Friday. I had a dental appointment over there.

Joie and Ellen Wallace went to her doctor in Texarkana on Monday. We're hoping she can stay until after the baby is born.

The youth of our church will go to Immanuel Baptist Church in Camden next Sunday to see the living Christmas tree and will eat out at noon.

Jimmy and Booie Williams were our guests on Tuesday night and we had supper with them at the Crossroads Buffet.

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