Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Outdoor Decorating Contest Underway

Published Wednesday, November 22, 1995 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee is sponsoring the second annual Christmas outdoor decorating contest.

There will be two contests; one for residents in Prescott City limits and the other for residents in Nevada County, outside the Prescott city limits.

Deadline for entry registration is Friday, December 8. Entry forms may be picked up at the Chamber office, the Bank of Prescott and the Bank of Delight.

Displays will be judged on originality, creativity and presentation.

Category criteria are:

  • Best lighted display, which consists of the main attraction being lights.
  • Best unlighted display will be based on decorations being the center of attention with minimal lights, such as spotlights.
  • Best theme will be judged on all decorations being tied to a central theme. It can be a large display with supporting decorations, or an overall decorating theme.
The category for each home will be determined by the judges.

Yard signs honoring and identifying each winner will be displayed throughout the holiday season.

The homes will be judged on Saturday evening, December 9.

Winners will be announced through the media. A list of contestants will be available for those wishing to view the homes.

For more information call the Chamber office at 887-2101.

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