Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Woodmen Presents Flags To Dev. Council

Published Wednesday, December 6, 1995 in the Nevada County Picayune

Woodmen of the World presented gifts of a United States and Arkansas flags to the Southwest Arkansas Development Council, Project Literacy, Tuesday, Nov. 28.

In addition, the Literacy Program received several other gifts from Woodmen of the World/Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society.

Harold Nix, field representative for W.O.W., delivered complete flag sets with display kits; a desk-top U.S. flag for the tutoring room; several copies of "The Patriot's Handbook," and commemorative rulers.

"Woodmen of the World is pleased to present these flags, books and rulers to the Literacy Program," Nix said. "Woodmen of the World has been active in this community in a number of ways," Nix added, "and hope tutors and students in the literacy program will use the books and rulers in their lessons as they study about the flag, and our country's history." Several local members of the Literacy Advisory committee, tutors and students were on hand as Teri Hughes, Literacy Outreach Worker, accepted the gifts.

"SWADC, Literacy Program is honored to receive these flags, books and rulers for our tutors and students," said Hughes. "We plan to display the large flag set in the Senior Citizen's Center; the desk-top flag will be used in the tutoring room along with the Patriot's Handbook and rulers, as students use them to learn."

W.O.W is a faternal benefit society with approximately 3,000 lodges in the U.S.A. and more than one million members. The society presented ore than m 36,000 U.S. flags during 1994 and more than 91,000 handbooks to those who requested them for schools, or non-profits.

SWADC, Project Literacy in Nevada County, offers free reading, writing and basic math tutoring for adults. Volunteer tutors work one-on-one with students to reach personal goals in basic education and life skills.

For more information, contact Project Literacy at 887-5536 or come by the office, upstairs in the Sr. Citizen's building, in Prescott, room 9.

Donald Crane's article appears on the Prescott Schools' Home Page

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