Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Local Sorority Meets

Published Wednesday, December 27, 1995 in the Nevada County Picayune

Upsilon Chapter Delta Kappa Gamma met Monday, December 4, at 7 p.m. The meeting was held in the First United Methodist Church of Prescott.

Members and guests were warmly welcomed by president Wanda Fincher. The collect and response was led by Elizabeth Haltom.

Micki Johnston, program chairperson, introduced Karen Mitchell and the singing group, Legacy In Praise. Mrs. Mitchell spoke to those present in a creative and original manner about an old familiar account, The Christmas Story. Her presentation was so fitting for Christmas today, as everyone stops to reflect on the real circumstances of that very first Christmas. The beautiful story was followed by an equally beautiful and stirring rendition of music by the talented trio of singers.

Prissy Traczewitz enthralled all with a timely inspirational thought. She reminded the group to keep priorities in proper order and to think about what each has, not what else one needs or wants. Those many blessings are to be enjoyed by all.

The hostesses, Ann Pounds, Juanita Taylor, Judy McCauley and Allene Spencer, served delicious cheesecake with coffee. This was followed with a Christmas ornament exchange, which proved to be an exciting and fun time of fellowship and friendship interaction by the members.

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