Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Here are the stories in the Wednesday, July 24, 1996 edition of Nevada County Picayune

Ninth Annual Festival A Success; Sporting Events Dominate Event
Sporting events in the annual Chicken and Egg Festival are becoming more and more popular.
Potlatch To Close Local Chip Mill
There will be eight more people out of work soon in Nevada County.
Redland -- Larue Griffin
Nevada County lost one of its best when Larue Griffin died Saturday, July 20.
Groundbreaking Is Friday For Emmet City Park
The city of Emmet will break ground for its new park this Friday at 10:00 a.m.
Three Arrested For Drugs
Three Prescott men have been charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver.
An Emmet man was arrested and charged with residential burglary and assault after reportedly breaking into a mobile home in Emmet.
A 21-year-old Prescott man was arrested by Westmoreland outside the Nevada County courthouse Wednesday, July 17 on a felony warrant for theft of property.
Nassar Disputes City Claim On Back Taxes
Story not available.
County Unemployment Dips Slightly, Now 7.5%
Unemployment in Nevada County dropped slightly from April to May, according to figures from the Arkansas Employment Security Division.
Wards Earn Farm Family Honors
Utilizing new and innovative methods of ranching is nothing new to this year's farm family of the year.
Wards Earn Farm Family Honors (cont)
e are wormed twice each year, and dusted for insect control.
Farm Family's Dream Put On Hold For A While --
Grocery Business Helps Dream Come True
Looking at them, it's hard to believe they're old enough to have been married 51 years.
Grocery Business Helps Dream Come True (cont)
her as Vacation Bible School director.
Rissell Niemyer Attends Program
Russell Niemyer of Prescott is one of the 32 rising ninth graders from around the state participating this month in the Motivational Science -- A Michrobiology-Chemistry Paradigm program on the Arkansas Tech University campus.
H&R Block Owner Attends Convention
Robert H. Griffin, owner of the H&R Block franchise in Prescott, was among more than 800 francchise owners and representatives attending the company's first H&R Block Franchise Convention in Kansas City, Mo., July 9-12.
Applications Sought
Southwest Arkansas Development Council (SWADC) Single Parent-Displaced Homemakers Program will be taking applications for the fall semester for financial aid and child care assistance for those who qualify.
Membership Drive Begins
The Prescott Elementary School's Parents and Teachers as Partners Organization (PTO) kicked off its membership drive at the annual Chicken and Egg Festival.
Huett Named To NCA Team
Raegan Huett, daughter of Becky and Mike Huett, has been selected to the National Cheerleading Association (NCA) All-American team.
Registration Underway For Fair Queen Contests
Michelle McFadden, age 9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McFadden, formerly of Prescott, has been accepted as a state finalist for the 13th annual Miss Michigan American Coed and Pre-Teen Pageant to be held at the Lansing Holiday Inn South, in South La...
Explorer Post Keeps Working
Explorer's Post 80 of Nevada County continues to work at the sheriff's office for the remaining hours at dispatching.
Deaths, Funerals
N.P. Nesbitt
N.P. Nesbitt, 101, of Blevins, died Thursday, July 18, 1996, at Leisure Lodge Nursing Home in Nashville.
Charles D. Jones
Charles D. Jones, 60, died at Med Center of South Arkansas in El Dorado, July 17, 1996.
Duel Crabb
Duel Miles Crabb, 81, died Saturday, July 13, 1996, at his home in Lacey, Wash.
Lucille Dehan Haltom
Lucille Dehan Haltom, 86, of Emmet died Friday, July 19, 1996, in St. Michael Hospital in Texarkana, Texas.
Larue M. Griffin
Larue M. Griffin, 92, of Prescott died Saturday, July 20, 1996, at Hillcrest Care Center.
Eva Guilliams
Eva Guilliams, 86, of Hope died Sunday, July 21, 1996, in Wadley Regional Medical Center in Texarkana, Texas.
Tennis Tournament Feats From Festival
Winners of the Chicken and Egg Festival Tennis Tournament have been announced. The winners were:
  • Men's doubles -- Gene Martin and Jonathan Martin of Prescott, first place; and Donnie Sneed of Magnolia and Scotty Pennington of Emerson, second ...
Wingield Sets New 5K Record
The winners and runners-up of the Chicken 5K Roadrace at the Chicken and Egg Festival are listed below.
Winners Announced From Softball Games
There was plenty of action when the ladies took to the diamond during the annual Chicks with Sticks tourney at the Chicken and Egg Festival.
Weightlifting Results From Festival Given
This year's weightlifting contest in the Chicken and Egg Festival was the most competitive one ever, according to Ed Tyree, who was in charge of this event.
Bryant Represents Wolves As All-Star
The Prescott Curley Wolves' 1995 AA undefeated state champs will be well represented next week in the annual high school all-star football game.
Wolves Handle Lakeside In Summer Passing League
Last Wednesday afternoon the Prescott Curley Wolves hosted the fourth round of the summer passing league.
ACS Sets Golf Tourney
American Cancer Society will sponsor a golf tournament at Prescott Country Club August 10. Lanora Dalrymple outlined plans for the games at the ACS meeting Thursday at First United Methodist Church.
Wolverettes Fare Well At SAU Basketball Camp
The SAU Basketball Camp was held the week of July 7-11. It was directed by Sam Biley, SAU coach.
Football Facts
Editor's note: This is the seventh of a 12-part series of a column by Prescott High School football coach Eddie Jackson. The articles will deal with information on the upcoming football season as well as a look back at some facts and stats about Cur...

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart